
Petrol & Diesel Prices Cut by Rs 2 in India

By Pushpa Kumari S
15 Mar 2024
Petrol and Diesel Prices Cut by Rs. 2

In a welcome move for drivers and businesses across the country, petrol and diesel prices have been slashed by Rs 2 per liter in India. This reduction, announced on Thursday, March 14, 2024, brings much-needed relief to consumers struggling with rising fuel costs. The revised prices will be applicable starting from 6:00 AM on Friday, March 15, 2024.

Highlights of the Article

  • Rs 2 Reduction in Fuel Prices: Petrol and diesel prices have been cut by Rs 2 per liter across India, effective March 15, 2024.
  • Increased Disposable Income: This price cut translates to more money in consumers' pockets, allowing them to spend more on groceries, shopping, or entertainment.
  • Reduced Transportation Costs: Lower fuel costs benefit all vehicle owners, including car drivers, two-wheeler riders, and heavy goods vehicles, potentially leading to lower transportation charges for goods.
  • Boost for Businesses: The domino effect of lower fuel costs can lead to a resurgence in tourism, travel, logistics, manufacturing, and retail sectors.
  • First Nationwide Drop Since May 2022: This Rs 2 reduction marks the first pan-India decrease in fuel prices since May 2022.

This price cut is expected to have a significant positive impact on both individual consumers and various sectors of the Indian economy. Let's delve deeper into the details and explore what this means for you.

Filling Your Wallet and the Economy: How the Rs 2 Fuel Price Cut Benefits You

The Rs 2 reduction in petrol and diesel prices announced on March 14th, 2024, is more than just a welcome change at the pump. This move is expected to have a ripple effect, positively impacting both consumers and various sectors of the Indian economy.

Putting More Money in Your Pocket: The most immediate benefit is the increase in disposable income. Every rupee saved on fuel translates to more money for groceries, shopping, or entertainment. Let's take a small two-wheeler with a 12-liter fuel tank. Previously, filling it up would cost ₹1,160.64. With the price cut, that cost drops to ₹1,136.64 – a saving of ₹24! Imagine the cumulative effect over multiple refills.

Reduced Transportation Costs: This price cut translates to lower operating costs for all vehicle owners, not just car drivers. Two-wheeler riders, who make up a significant portion of India's commuters, will see a direct benefit. Additionally, heavy goods vehicles running on diesel will experience reduced operational costs, potentially leading to lower transportation charges for goods.

Boost for Businesses: The domino effect doesn't stop there. Lower fuel costs can lead to a resurgence in the tourism and travel industries, as people find it more affordable to explore both locally and further afield. Additionally, logistics companies, manufacturers, and retail sectors might see a boost due to potentially lower transportation costs for goods. This overall economic activity can lead to increased consumer confidence and spending, further fueling a positive cycle.

The Rs 2 fuel price cut might seem like a small change at first glance, but its impact is expected to be far-reaching. By putting more money in consumers' pockets and potentially stimulating various sectors of the economy, this move has the potential to bring much-needed relief in these times.

Rs 2 Fuel Price Cut in India: Benefits & City-Wise Prices

  • Relief at the Pump: Petrol and diesel prices slashed by Rs 2 per liter across India, effective from March 15 of 2024.
  • More Money in Your Pocket: Increased disposable income – save up to ₹24 on a 12-liter two-wheeler refill!
  • Reduced Transportation Costs: Lower fuel costs benefit car owners, two-wheeler riders, and heavy goods vehicles, potentially leading to lower transportation charges.
  • Economic Boost: Potential resurgence in tourism, travel, logistics, manufacturing, and retail due to potentially lower fuel costs for businesses.
  • Increased Consumer Confidence: More money in pockets and a stimulated economy can lead to higher consumer confidence and spending.

New Petrol & Diesel Prices in Major Cities (Post-Cut):

  • Delhi

Post-Cut Petrol Price (₹/liter): ₹94.72

Post-Cut Diesel Price (₹/liter): ₹87.62

  • Mumbai

Post-Cut Petrol Price (₹/liter): ₹104.21

Post-Cut Diesel Price (₹/liter): ₹92.15

  • Kolkata

Post-Cut Petrol Price (₹/liter): ₹103.94

Post-Cut Diesel Price (₹/liter): ₹90.76

  • Chennai

Post-Cut Petrol Price (₹/liter): ₹100.73

Post-Cut Diesel Price (₹/liter): ₹92.34

  • Bengaluru

Post-Cut Petrol Price (₹/liter): ₹97.94

Post-Cut Diesel Price (₹/liter): ₹83.89

  • Hyderabad

Post-Cut Petrol Price (₹/liter): ₹105.66

Post-Cut Diesel Price (₹/liter): ₹93.82

Note: Prices may vary slightly depending on the specific location within a city.

Comparison to Previous Price Changes:

This Rs 2 reduction marks the first nationwide drop in fuel prices since May 2022. While the government has implemented other measures to control fuel costs, this direct price cut offers consumers a more immediate and noticeable benefit.


The Rs 2 cut in petrol and diesel prices, which is seemingly small, is a positive step towards easing the burden on Indian consumers and businesses. The potential for increased disposable income, reduced transportation costs, and a stimulated economy make this a welcome change. Whether you're filling up your two-wheeler or managing a fleet of vehicles, this price cut offers a bit of relief and a potential boost for the Indian economy in the coming months.