
Upcoming Ather Rizta to exclude onboard speakers

By Puspha Kumari S
29 Mar 2024
Ather Rizta to exclude onboard speakers

Ather Energy throws a curveball with its upcoming electric scooter, the Ather Rizta. Confirmed reports reveal the Rizta will surprisingly launch without built-in speakers.

Highlights of the Article

  • Ather Rizta Ditches Speakers: Ather Energy's upcoming electric scooter, the Rizta, will not have built-in speakers, unlike most electric scooters in the market. This unexpected move sparks curiosity and debate.
  • Ather's decision might be driven by a focus on a quieter ride experience, a minimalist design aesthetic, or potentially cost-cutting measures.
  • Ather Halo: A Potential Solution? Rumours suggest a complementary product launch alongside the Rizta - the Ather Halo smart helmet.
  • The Ather Halo, with speculated Bluetooth connectivity, could bridge the audio gap by functioning as a personal sound system.
  • A Paradigm Shift? The Rizta-Halo pairing could be a game-changer, offering a unique audio solution, and prioritizing safety.

Ather Energy's upcoming Rizta electric scooter will reportedly launch without built-in speakers. But is this a misstep, or a strategic move with a hidden solution?

Ather Rizta Ditches Onboard Speakers: A Bold Move or Missed Note?

This decision stands in stark contrast to the current electric scooter landscape, where onboard speakers are practically a standard feature. Most electric scooters boast speakers for riders to enjoy music or utilize navigation functions with voice guidance.

This bold move by Ather has sparked a wave of curiosity and debate. Will the lack of speakers be a dealbreaker for some riders, or is there a strategic reason behind it? Could Ather be planning a more unique audio solution for the Rizta? Let's delve deeper into this unexpected development.

Why Ditch the Speakers? Unveiling Ather's Strategy

Ather's decision to forgo onboard speakers for the Rizta has many scratching their heads. But what could be the driving force behind this unexpected move? Here are a few possibilities:

  • A Quieter Ride Experience: Ather might be prioritizing a focus on a quieter and more serene riding experience with the Rizta. Omitting speakers could translate to a less noisy ride, allowing riders to appreciate the hum of the electric motor and the surrounding environment. This could be particularly appealing to urban riders seeking a more peaceful commute.
  • Minimalist Design Philosophy: The lack of speakers could also be a design choice, aligning with a minimalist aesthetic for the Rizta. By eliminating bulky speaker components, Ather might be aiming for a cleaner and sleeker overall look for the scooter.
  • Cost Optimization: While less likely a primary reason, removing speakers could be a cost-cutting measure for Ather. This could potentially allow them to offer the Rizta at a more competitive price point, making it even more attractive to budget-conscious buyers.

However, the lack of speakers doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing audio altogether. Rumours suggest Ather might be planning a complementary product launch alongside the Rizta - the Ather Halo smart helmet. This opens doors to intriguing possibilities for a more integrated audio solution, which we'll explore in the next section.

The Ather Halo: Filling the Audio Void or a Whole New Experience?

The lack of onboard speakers on the Ather Rizta might seem like a puzzling decision. But before hitting the panic button for your music playlists, there's another piece to the puzzle: the rumoured Ather Halo smart helmet.

Ather's silence on speakers for the Rizta could be a strategic move, paving the way for a more integrated audio solution with the Ather Halo. Here's how this potential pairing might play out:

  • Bridging the Audio Gap: The Ather Halo, speculated to launch alongside the Rizta, could bridge the missing speaker functionality. Equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, the Halo could transform your helmet into a personal sound system. Stream your favourite music, podcasts, or audiobooks directly to the helmet for an immersive listening experience on the go.
  • Personalized Audio Experience: Unlike fixed onboard speakers, the Ather Halo offers the potential for customization. Imagine adjusting the volume or even choosing the location of virtual speakers within the helmet for optimal sound positioning. This personalized approach could cater to individual preferences and riding conditions.
  • Beyond Music: Enhanced Functionality: The Ather Halo's potential extends beyond music. It could integrate seamlessly with the Rizta, offering voice-activated navigation guidance directly through the helmet speakers. Additionally, features like answering calls or utilizing a communication system with fellow riders could be on the table, further enhancing the overall riding experience.

A Paradigm Shift in Audio Solutions?

The integration of the Ather Halo with the Rizta could mark a shift in how riders experience audio on electric scooters. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Safety First: Some riders might appreciate the focus on a quieter ride experience with the Rizta. Omitting onboard speakers could promote better awareness of surrounding sounds, potentially enhancing safety on the road. However, the Ather Halo's speakers could be designed to prioritize rider safety, with features like adjustable volume to avoid distractions.
  • Ather's Ecosystem Play: The potential pairing of the Rizta and Ather Halo hints at Ather building a connected ecosystem for its products. This could lead to further integration and innovative features in the future, offering a more holistic riding experience for Ather enthusiasts.

Next Reads: More Articles!


While official details remain under wraps, the possibility of the Ather Halo raises exciting questions. Could it be a game-changer for audio solutions on electric scooters? Will it offer seamless integration and innovative features? Stay tuned for further updates as we explore the potential of this intriguing development from Ather Energy.