
Pros and Cons of Electric Two Wheeler Ownership in India

By Suvradip Maitra
02 May 2024
pros and cons electric two wheeler ownership

We explore the pros and cons of owning an electric two-wheeler in India, considering factors like upfront cost, limited range, charging infrastructure, and more. Read on to navigate the exciting yet challenging world of electric vehicles in India!

Highlights Of the Article

  • Electric scooters and motorcycles are revving up India's eco-friendly transportation scene. 
  • While they boast zero emissions, lower running costs, and government incentives, some hurdles remain. 
  • This analysis dives into the good, the bad, and the charges of electric two-wheeler ownership in India. 
  • We explore the trade-off between higher upfront costs and potential savings, the limitations of range compared to petrol options, and the developing charging infrastructure.  
  • Is an electric two-wheeler the key to a greener ride for you? This article helps you decide.

Gearing Up for Green: Unveiling the Advantages 

Eco-Friendly Choice 

India's roads are transforming with a surge in electric two-wheelers. These eco-warriors boast a major environmental benefit: zero tailpipe emissions!  

This translates to cleaner air, a crucial factor considering the air pollution struggles faced by many Indian cities. By switching to electric, you're not just making a personal choice – you're contributing to a greener future for all.

Cost-Effective Considerations

  • Electric scooters and motorcycles aren't just good for the environment – they can be good for your wallet too!  
  • The cost of electricity is significantly lower than petrol, potentially leading to substantial savings on running costs.  
  • Furthermore, electric vehicles require less maintenance compared to their petrol counterparts.  
  • No oil changes, spark plug replacements, or other routine procedures translate to fewer trips to the mechanic and potentially lower maintenance bills. 
  • So, while the initial purchase price of an electric two-wheeler might be higher, the long-term savings on fuel and maintenance can make it a financially attractive option.

Navigating the Challenges: Electric Two-Wheeler Considerations 

Balancing the Budget: Upfront Costs

The eco-friendly allure of electric two-wheelers comes with a price tag. While you'll save on running costs in the long run, the upfront purchase price of an electric scooter or motorcycle is typically higher compared to petrol options. 

This can be a significant hurdle for some riders. However, the Indian government is offering a helping hand. 

Through subsidies and tax breaks, they aim to incentivize electric vehicle adoption, potentially helping to bridge the cost gap between electric and petrol two-wheelers. While the upfront cost might still be a consideration, government support can make electric vehicles a more financially viable option for many Indian riders.

The eco-friendly allure of electric two-wheelers comes with a price tag. While you'll save on running costs in the long run, the upfront purchase price of an electric scooter or motorcycle is typically higher compared to petrol options. This can be a significant hurdle for some riders. 

However, the Indian government is offering a helping hand. Through subsidies and tax breaks, they aim to incentivize electric vehicle adoption, potentially helping to bridge the cost gap between electric and petrol two-wheelers. While the upfront cost might still be a consideration, government support can make electric vehicles a more financially viable option for many Indian riders.

  • It's important to do your research and compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) for both electric and petrol options. 
  • This includes factoring in not just the purchase price, but also fuel costs, maintenance expenses, insurance premiums, and potential resale value.
  • While the initial price tag of an electric two-wheeler might be higher, the lower running costs and potentially lower maintenance needs can significantly offset this difference over time. 
  • Additionally, some manufacturers offer financing options specifically tailored for electric vehicles, making them more accessible for budget-conscious buyers.

Range Anxiety: Exploring Distance Limitations

Electric scooters and motorcycles offer a thrilling ride but with a twist – "range anxiety." Unlike petrol vehicles, their range, the distance they can travel on a single charge, is currently limited. 


This can be a concern for riders who frequently take long journeys. While electric vehicles are perfect for daily commutes or short trips within the city, venturing far from a charging station might not be ideal. 

  • However, technology is constantly evolving, and the range of electric vehicles is steadily improving. So, while range might be a consideration today, it might not be a limitation forever.
  • Additionally, trip planning strategies can help mitigate range anxiety.
  • Mobile apps and online resources can help you locate charging stations along your route and estimate charging times.  
  • Furthermore, some electric two-wheelers offer features like "eco-modes" that can extend the range by optimizing power usage.  
  • By planning your route strategically and utilizing these tools, you can make long-distance journeys with an electric two-wheeler a more manageable and enjoyable experience.

Charging Forward: Infrastructure & Beyond 

Building the Network: The Charging Infrastructure Landscape

Electric vehicles are like superheroes – powerful and eco-friendly, but they need a reliable charging network, their "Fortress of Solitude."  

  • India's charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is under development, but it's steadily growing.  
  • While major cities are seeing a rise in charging stations, finding one can be a challenge, especially when venturing outside urban areas.  
  • This can be inconvenient for riders who rely on readily available charging options.  
  • However, the government and private companies are actively investing in expanding the charging network across the country.  

So, while the current infrastructure might not be perfect for long journeys, the future looks bright for a more connected electric driving experience.

Beyond the Basics: Additional Considerations 

While electric two-wheelers offer significant advantages, it's important to consider some additional factors. Battery degradation is a reality – electric vehicle batteries lose capacity over time, which can reduce their range. Replacing the battery can be expensive, adding to the overall ownership cost.

Another consideration is choice. The variety of electric two-wheelers in India is still limited compared to petrol options. This can restrict rider options in terms of style, performance, and budget. You might not find the perfect electric fit just yet, especially if you have specific preferences.

  • However, the electric two-wheeler market is rapidly evolving.  
  • Battery technology is improving, potentially offering solutions for degradation. Additionally, the variety of electric two-wheelers is constantly expanding, catering to diverse needs and styles.


 So, while these are factors to consider, the future of electric mobility is promising.

Conclusion :

Electric scooters and motorcycles offer a tempting glimpse into a cleaner future. Zero emissions, potentially lower running costs, and government incentives make them a compelling option.  

However, the higher upfront cost compared to petrol vehicles can be a hurdle. The limited range might not suit riders who frequently take long journeys, and the developing charging infrastructure can be inconvenient, especially outside major cities. While battery degradation and limited model variety are additional factors to consider, these challenges are constantly being addressed.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your individual needs. If your daily commute is within the range of an electric two-wheeler and charging infrastructure is readily available, you could reap significant cost savings and environmental benefits. 

Therefore, if long journeys are a must-have, or upfront cost is a major concern, a petrol option might be more suitable. Weighing the pros and cons based on your riding habits and priorities will help you determine if electricity is the key to your green ride in India.

FAme subsidy ended 31st March- customers don't get the benefit of it either